When you didn’t get your shot in focus, that’s a nice time to use a filter like prisma.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Review: Makers by Cory Doctorow

I was sad closing it, because I wanted more from them, more for them, and another thing…
I always wanted to be Perry, but I looked in that book and I’m Sammy.
Review: Where Men Win Glory

I’m old.
Maynard James Keenan of Tool and a A Perfect Circle is starting a mystic wine company. At first I felt ripped off, which was retarded.  Now I’m wondering what it tastes like. But I’m still hoping it’s a prank of some sort.
Monoculture video
The Nanny State
My coworkers were chortling behind me about some hilarious commercials.
I couldn’t help but remember that once upon a time seat belts were after-market add-ons. When the legislation came out requiring them in cars, the same kind of folks were saying the same sort of things. Security and Liberty are always a balancing act – you can’t ever trump one with the other.
Blogger thought I was a spam blog
Don’t know what made me look like a spam blog, but I had to get reviewed by a human to turn posting back on.
Bloggy Blogroll welcomes….
Nate and I have been geeking out together in NYC. He and Claudia took me and Sam to Brazil for carnival. He actually writes long entries in his blog that are worth reading if you are techie.
Hint hint, Acton. HINT.
How to Deal With An Irate Person
I’m working on getting my team to have a sane support rotation so that folks can spend most of their time on development instead of constantly switching between tasks. It’s good because I’ll get more opportunities to do work. I’m thinking about sending tips like this: “How to Deal With An Irate Person” out to folks. I’m pretty good at handling people on the phone in tense situations, and it might help folks who don’t come by that naturally.
On the other hand, it might look a little preachy.
Moves moves moves
I’ve switched roles within my group – now I’m working on a new real-time application. I’ve also moved up a floor. I miss my old seat, pictured empty below in Tim’s post.
On the other hand, the new floor has a blender. Smoothies ahoy!