Angelo of from Italy let me know he’s working on a version of Dasher for Android!
Looks like he’s using just the tilt sensors, but hopefully it will take finger input as well.
Angelo of from Italy let me know he’s working on a version of Dasher for Android!
Looks like he’s using just the tilt sensors, but hopefully it will take finger input as well.
The Android Scripting Environment is to the Android phone as Greasemonkey is to Firefox. Â It’s a simple place to do quick hacks for your phone without having to build a full plugin or application.
Two cool scripts that just got released are Silent Night and Droid Track. Continue reading Android Scripting Environment is heating up
An iteration or so of the website ago I hacked in a random art generator into the background of the title of my website using ContextFree.js by Aza Raskin. Â It was a cool little hack, but what would be really nice is to make it shareable.
I’d like a WordPress Plugin that finds the heading of your website and inserts a little Canvas element, includes either processing.js or contextfree.js and picks a sketch, then plops it in the background of your website’s title. Â How cool would that be?
Jeff Crouse has a really good post on Optimizing Your Mac. In my TODO file.
Got a request for help from some the Eyebeam list. 1 The folks organizing the Urban Wilderness Action Center for the international Electrosmog festival 2 wanted some usability help. Â Navigating between subpages of their projects was too confusing.
If you like the way the sub pages are listed out on, say, the Berlin Micro-Turf Expedition – here you go.
<?php // Does this even have a parent? if($post->post_parent) { $parent_title = get_the_title($post->post_parent); ?> <a href="<?php echo get_permalink($post->post_parent) ?>"><?php echo $parent_title;?></a>: <?php } ?> <?php //ok let's find our sibling pages, but we don't need to list the current page if ( ($post->post_parent) && (get_post($post->post_parent)->post_parent) ) $children = wp_list_pages("title_li=&child_of=".$post->post_parent."&exclude=".$post->ID."&echo=0"); else $children = wp_list_pages("title_li=&child_of=".$post->ID."&echo=0"); if ($children) { ?> <ul style="display:inline"> <?php echo $children; ?> </ul> <?php } ?>
The good folks over at Wild Bee have an excellent article about how you can use your computer to help the world while you sleep. Lotsa people run SETI@home – I think it is because of the screensaver. Instead of a looking for aliens, you could help political dissidents in repressive regimes, protect anonymous whistleblowers, and even protect our intelligence agents overseas. Install TOR and volunteer your computer for global privacy.
Here’s me: I have an android phone, I can program, I use LibraryThing for tracking my books. Here’s how those things come together. Continue reading LibraryDroid tracks your books
Dasher is a text entry method completely unlike a keyboard. You just swipe and like a video game you navigate through the possible sentences you could be writing.
Check the demo:
I like the idea that you are just navigating through the Borgesian infinite library to extract your sentences.
Dasher is free and GPL, it just hasn’t been compiled for android yet. Compile it, sell it with source for $.99.
Remember, qwerty is not destiny.
The place where you speak should be the place where you listen.
Continue reading Project Idea: WordpRSS
More BitRot as old bits of the web die off and are replaced… Continue reading Bitrot: Haloscan