I like working in the terminal. It feels like the right thing to invest in to build small tools that compose well into bigger tools.
I’ve written before about using tmux as a way to turn one terminal into many so you can run tests and editors etc. It’s clunky, it’s wonky. If you get a good starting configuration from something like oh-my-tmux and you spend some time tweaking it and you learn how it works, you can get a LOT out of it. I am. But I just got a great recommendation from Ian Sudderth about an alternative.

Zellij is a screen multiplexer that does all the things that I need but comes with batteries installed and has good defaults and I’m loving it. It starts out with things like session restoration built in.
It’s DISCOVERABLE. I don’t have to look up a lot of info about how to use it – it walks you through it.
Commandline stuff doesn’t have to be hard anymore. I’ve already added it to my jumpstart for new environments. I’m going to be playing with this everywhere as a replacement for tmux.