Tag Archives: commandline

Zellij over Tmux

I like working in the terminal. It feels like the right thing to invest in to build small tools that compose well into bigger tools.

I’ve written before about using tmux as a way to turn one terminal into many so you can run tests and editors etc. It’s clunky, it’s wonky. If you get a good starting configuration from something like oh-my-tmux and you spend some time tweaking it and you learn how it works, you can get a LOT out of it. I am. But I just got a great recommendation from Ian Sudderth about an alternative.

Zellij is a screen multiplexer that does all the things that I need but comes with batteries installed and has good defaults and I’m loving it. It starts out with things like session restoration built in.

It’s DISCOVERABLE. I don’t have to look up a lot of info about how to use it – it walks you through it.

Commandline stuff doesn’t have to be hard anymore. I’ve already added it to my jumpstart for new environments. I’m going to be playing with this everywhere as a replacement for tmux.

A little development environment in vim and tmux

I’ve been doing a little project and took a moment to get a bit better at using tmux.

Every time I go into this project I set up some splits. A main window where I’ll edit files using vim, then I split a pane off to run the code or test suite on every save. Another split where I pip install after any changes to my requirements.txt file.

Since I do the same thing repeatedly I was pretty sure tmux has a way to set this up so I don’t need to do it by hand. I tried using tmux session saving plugins, but they are too much for what I need right now.

Turns out tmux is incredibly easy to script. This gist is very long and very informative on how to split windows in tmux and covered everything I needed.

#! /bin/sh

# split -h horizontally to take up 30% of the width to run my __main__.py file on every save of a python file
# this is -d detached so that focus remains on the main window
tmux splitw -d -h -p 30 'ls *.py | entr -c env/bin/python . ./goodreads_library_export.csv data.csv ~/books'
# split my second pane vertically with 20% for rerunning pip installs on save of requirements.txt
tmux splitw -d -t 2 -p 20 'ls requirements.txt | entr -c env/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt'
# create a little detached shell just in case I need to try something
tmux splitw -d -t 3
# open up the python files in tabs in my main pane
vim -p *.py 

entr is a great little tool I like for monitoring for file changes and running a command in response.

a quick development environment for a project


I need to see if my remote connection to work is healthy and if my remote connection to video conferencing is suffering.

I wrote a little utility to handle that in the commandline. It’s dumb but it works. Let’s call it pingplotter. It’s in the public domain, go nuts.

It’s fine to just pop in a terminal you have open, but it plays really nice with tmux and glances (I use both).

I think I spent nearly as much time making these screencasts as I did writing the shell script. I should blog that too, if only so I don’t have to research that again.

Using Ruby for command line web lookups

Common Problem

You frequently have to look up customer information on the company website.  Firing up a web browser takes time and invites you to start dawdling away on facebook and such.  If only anyone in the company had bothered to write a decent webservice or command line utility to look up customer information.

Find the right url

The first step is to dig into the company website and find out what happens when you click search.  You are looking for an element in there of type “form”.  A form is what gets submitted when you click search.  It will submit information to a page, and that page is the “action” attribute of the form element.  Then you need to find the inputs to that form.  Look for elements of type “input”.  These guys are the information you are sending to the action page.  Once you have the “action” and the “input” names, you can come up with a URL that represents this lookup.  It’s dead easy and it always follows the same pattern.

If you have a form like this:

<form action="/admin/clientsearch.asp" method="post">
<table border="0" align="center">
<th class="QueryHeader">Search Options</th>
<td align="center">
<table border="0">
<td><strong>Search For:</strong>

<input name="SEARCHPARAM" size="15" type="text" /></td>
<td align="center"><input type="submit" value="Search" /><input type="reset" value="Reset" /></td>

You can see the “action” is”/admin/clientsearch.asp” and that the input is named “SEARCHPARAM”.  From this we know that the URL is going to be “http://www.example.com/admin/clientsearch.asp?SEARCHPARAM=”.  That’s how simple it is.

Automate the lookup using Ruby

If this is a task you have to do often, try using Ruby to automate it.  Ruby has a utility for doing repetitive tasks called Rake or Sake and a utility for parsing web pages called Hpricot.  Install them like so:

gem install rake hpricot sake

Now we write up a file called “Rakefile.rb” and put in a rake task

desc "sets up the following tasks"
task :setup do
require 'open-uri'
require 'hpricot'

desc "lookup a client"
task :clients, :client_name do |t, args|
doc = Hpricot(open("http://www.example.com/admin/clientsearch.asp?SEARCHPARAM=#{args.client_name}", :http_basic_authentication => ['username', 'password']))
puts doc.search("//center[2]/table")[0].to_plain_text
task :clients => :setup #put in here bc named args seem to conflict with dependencies.

Most of what’s going on there is happening on line 9. We are opening a url, then passing it to our parser. If you don’t have a username and password for this website, you can remove the whole “http_basic_authentication” argument to open.

Where is my data

In line 10 you’ll see a little handy XPath going on to narrow down the document to what we care about. If you aren’t so hot with XPath, there is an easy way to find it out. In Firefox, install an extension called Firebug. Do a search on your webpage, then activate firebug by clicking the bug icon in your statusbar. Click inspect in Firebug and then click where your data is. Firebug will display a bunch of elements on the top. Move your mouse along them and you’ll find one element that highlights your data in blue. Right click on this and “Copy XPath”. That’s what you will put in “doc.search()”.

Using it

From the commandline type rake clients[myclient] and ruby will do the lookup and return the information you care about.  That will only work if you are in the same directory as your rakefile.rb.  We can install these tasks into sake by typing sake -i rakefile.rb. This makes these tasks system wide, so you can call sake clients[myclient].

A couple of caveats

  1. You may have to do a little tweaking to get open-uri to play nice with expired https certificates. Shouldn’t be a problem for most folks.
  2. The world of screen-scraping as it is called, doesn’t end there. If you need more advanced techniques for screen scraping a page, behold the power of the internet.