
You can email my full first name. my last name at this site.  If you are a recruiter, you can check out the contact information in my resume.

I read every comment on this website, so feel free to comment on a relevant post.
You might also try reaching me through a social network.

But wait, there's more

  • Just kidding, nothing's related to this.

7 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Oh Mr. Katz, so interesting running into you here on the old interwebs. A long time, and many miles, since DHS! Can't believe I never ran into you in all my years in NYC. Too many hours in a practice room, I suppose.

    ("Guess Who" just seemed so overdone)

    1. Well I'll be damned. I'll have to go and search all of NYC block by block again. I must have missed you.
      Who ever you are.
      Of course, you could always drop me a note if you'd like to meet up!

  2. Hi Matt,
    My name is Borisa Djuraskovic. I am associated with Web Hosting Hub community team.
    I found your Orbital Feed Reader plugin at very interesting. I would like to translate it to my native Serbo-Croatian language and help people from my community find your plugin useful too. But you would need to create the translatable .pot file first in order for me to proceed. Please let me know if you are willing to do that so I can translate it.

    Borisa Djuraskovic

  3. Hi,
    A week ago, I asked for your permission to translate your Orbital Feed Reader plugin. Since I didn’t get any answer from you, it would be very kind of you to consider my proposal and let me know if its alright to translate it.

    Borisa Djuraskovic

    1. Hi Borisa – I know we communicated via email since this – but I want to let you know I’ve been delayed on getting the latest version of Orbital out the door due to family life. I’ll be cranking this up again soon and I want to thank you again for the kind offer!

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