Daily Archives: 2012-09-22


Sometimes I get stuck. Enough things creep up in my life and I stop creating. I’m simplifying again, cleaning up so I can get moving.
Georgia writes really well about momentum:

But another issue is momentum. I have always felt wildly prone to inertia, in the law-of-physics sense: objects in motion tend to stay in motion, objects at rest tend to stay at rest. When I am in motion, man! I never want to stop. Here was my last week:

Monday — Went to yoga, made risotto
Tuesday — French class fail, dinner out
Wednesday — Special date with my sister: high tea and a walk through Central Park!
Thursday — Dinner out again before going to a friend’s awesome reading
Friday — Packing and figuring out what to wear to…
Saturday — A wedding! Followed by…
Sunday — Hungover, post-wedding brunch and movie-going, then taking the train back home from the beautiful Hudson Valley.
This sounds insane. I’m rolling my eyes at myself as I’m writing it. And it’s not — NOT — a typical week. It’s a crazy busy week that was a lot of fun. So you know what I wanted to do this week? MORE OF IT!

It’s easier to be one thing or the other, to only have one place to focus my energy — in or out. Making the switch is the hard part, which is maybe why a wide-open Sunday holds such potential. Lots of time to travel from external back to internal. I’ll have to make more time for Sunday writing in the future.

So here is the engine starting. I had a laptop die on me and I’ve resurrected it. The tools are sharp again. Time to get moving and then finish a project or two.

I’m starting to get so many ideas and experiments I want to try, I need to finish some things so I can get on to the new fun.

But before that, I’m taking Sam for brunch to Shopsins and then off to see Beautiful Evidence at the Foley Gallery. And the Brooklyn Book Festival is Sunday!