Blind Pickle Taste Test

Sam and I bought 3 jars of pickles, and did a blind taste test in the name of science. We each ate three rounds of three pickles labelled A, B, and C, then ranked them.

We threw out the White Rose, as it was disgusting. Vlassic is what we think a pickle should taste like.

But wait, there's more

  • Just kidding, nothing's related to this.

2 thoughts on “Blind Pickle Taste Test

  1. So were they refrigerator pickles or shelf pickles? I’m a bigger fan of the ones that come out of the deli or refrigerator case vs. the ones sitting warm on the shelf.

  2. We took warm shelfy pickles, and then we refrigerated them. You don’t think they sit around being refrigerated for months while they pickle do you?

    ALSO – your URL doesn’t seem to resolve, are you sure you typed it right?

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