Daily Archives: 2004-12-27

Graphing Calculator Adventure

I spent a lot of time in mom’s office stuck there because I was suspended or somesuch, and, since her workplace was for work, there were no games there. When she was out of the office I would sit at her Mac and use the graphing calculator to create new and interesting shapes, playing with the equations to get it to do more and more interesting things.

Turns out the story behind the development of the program is even more interesting!

via wired

Firefox Speedup for Broadband users

If you’ve heeded my advice to get firefox for your browsing pleasure, then you may enjoy this little tidbit from devnulled, via forevergeek, via hack-a-day. Credit where credit is due, that’s my motto.

Here’s something for broadband people that will really speed Firefox up:

1.Type “about:config” into the address bar and hit return. Scroll down and look for the following entries:

network.http.pipelining network.http.proxy.pipelining network.http.pipelining.maxrequests

Normally the browser will make one request to a web page at a time. When you enable pipelining it will make several at once, which really speeds up page loading.

2. Alter the entries as follows:

Set “network.http.pipelining” to “true”

Set “network.http.proxy.pipelining” to “true”

Set “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” to some number like 30. This means it will make 30 requests at once.

3. Lastly right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it “nglayout.initialpaint.delay” and set its value to “0”. This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives.

If you’re using a broadband connection you’ll load pages MUCH faster now!