Kiran’s Wedding

Kiran's Wedding
Kiran’s Wedding,
originally uploaded by snarkhunt.

Sam and I went down to DC this weekend and attended the wedding of my lovely friend Kiran. She married the wonderfully warm and funny Salil in a ceremony that was so unlike most of the weddings I’ve seen.

This Indian wedding seemed to be much more relaxed but much longer than the weddings I am used to. Everyone looked amazing and ate and smiled the whole way through.

But wait, there's more

  • Just kidding, nothing's related to this.

One thought on “Kiran’s Wedding

  1. This really had to be a culture shock to you. I am glad you had a great time. I have always enjoyed experiencing other cultures and trying something new. I'm sure this was a real learning experience for you.
    It was a great learning experience for me – I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve deleted the links to your website. Please don’t be offended, but it looked very much like spam! — MattK

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