How fortunate that someone was there that single time to film it!
Watch to the end and relish the beauty of the last sentence. Via Boing Boing.
How fortunate that someone was there that single time to film it!
Watch to the end and relish the beauty of the last sentence. Via Boing Boing.
Alex Barnett is someone who writes amazing ideas about technology, and he’s written why he would vote for Obama if he could. It’s not too long. One of the reasons that I’m starting to shed my cynicism about the process and get excited is that these smart nuanced positions that Obama takes don’t see to be entirely empty rhetoric. There’s some meat there. I don’t know if the guy can implement any of it, but trying is a damn sight better than not.
I always tell my friends to vote based on ideas. Vote for who you really want, because your little vote only matters to you and matters in an aggregate. That’s why when I had some crap choices I was one of the guys who voted for Nader.
But if you think about this election as a horse race, I’d urge you to take ten minutes to watch Larry Lessig’s presentation on “winnability.”