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Tag Archives: Photos
How to snag images that someone doesn’t want you to get in 4 steps.
Sometimes on the web people think that they can deliver images or music to your computer for you to look at or listen to, but somehow keep you from possessing.  They can’t.
Continue reading How to snag images that someone doesn’t want you to get in 4 steps.
Birthday Present Suggestion: Kickass Bike
Cinco de Matto is coming up, and it is a time of celebration for everyone. It can also be a time of anxiety, as many folks agonize over the question: “What can I buy Matt that will ensure his favor for another year?”
You may add to the list of possible items to buy me the best bike in the world.
Photo taken on Henry and Montague Street, Brooklyn Heights by Adrian Kinloch
Monsters in NYMFC
I was out for a walk in Chelsea with my good friend anglerod. We were up and down, peeping into galleries.
Then we saw this. Holy cow.
boing boing has more on it.