Tag Archives: food

Sous Vide Berbere Ribs

My buddy Frankie turned me onto Berbere spice on popcorn (it’s perfect). I got some from Sahadis before hanging out with the beer club boys and it sat on the shelf until this last week.

Some ribs came in our CSA, so I got excited to make a Berbere rub and sous vide the ribs. I was really sick and bored before, so this was a really fun little project and the sous vide turned out perfect ribs with a complex flavor. The berbere rub is just salt, sugars and berbere spice mix, so it’s great to toss on popcorn as well.

I put the sous vide berbere ribs recipe up on cooked.wiki if you want to try it. No pictures because I was hungry and didn’t think I’d be documenting it!

I’m Pickle Matt

My new passion is pickling. I’m taking perfectly nice things and, because we have too many of them, I’m sticking them in vinegar, salt and sugar solutions.

Get out of my way, because I’m brining my onions. Now I have pickled onions at the ready for any emergency burritos. Here’s my pickled onion recipe on cooked.wiki

Duck your head in respect, because I’m pickling jalapenos. We messed up and got way more jalapenos than we can consume fast enough. Now we’re going hog wild with the vinegar and the jalapenos will last and be stuffed into every chili or recipe when we have time.

I’m pickle Matt.