Tag Archives: cooking

Sous Vide Berbere Ribs

My buddy Frankie turned me onto Berbere spice on popcorn (it’s perfect). I got some from Sahadis before hanging out with the beer club boys and it sat on the shelf until this last week.

Some ribs came in our CSA, so I got excited to make a Berbere rub and sous vide the ribs. I was really sick and bored before, so this was a really fun little project and the sous vide turned out perfect ribs with a complex flavor. The berbere rub is just salt, sugars and berbere spice mix, so it’s great to toss on popcorn as well.

I put the sous vide berbere ribs recipe up on cooked.wiki if you want to try it. No pictures because I was hungry and didn’t think I’d be documenting it!

I’m Pickle Matt

My new passion is pickling. I’m taking perfectly nice things and, because we have too many of them, I’m sticking them in vinegar, salt and sugar solutions.

Get out of my way, because I’m brining my onions. Now I have pickled onions at the ready for any emergency burritos. Here’s my pickled onion recipe on cooked.wiki

Duck your head in respect, because I’m pickling jalapenos. We messed up and got way more jalapenos than we can consume fast enough. Now we’re going hog wild with the vinegar and the jalapenos will last and be stuffed into every chili or recipe when we have time.

I’m pickle Matt.

Finally a good recipe site

Recipes have a real problem on the internet. Everyone wants to share them, everyone wants to know them. But recipes are hard to monetize. They are not copyrightable!

A narrative, however, IS copyrightable.

And while most folks just are interested in a recipe, the surrounding text is important to food bloggers for multiple reasons:

  • They need places to put advertisements which they use to fund their writing
  • They think Google ranks recipes with stories higher
  • They actually want to share interesting information. They are excited and want to share what they know, not just edit a recipe for you, a stranger!

It’s similar to how youtubers shoot ten minute videos where they mention the sponsor in the first 40 seconds, then talk about how they will give you some information but first… They are serfs, sharecroppers doing what the lords of the internet have dictated is needed to get a buck.

But I really just want to keep and use the recipes themselves. As damage appears, we figure ways to route around it. My new favorite example is http://cooked.wiki – it’s a way to collect recipes and edit them. I’m building a little cookbook of my fave recipes there under my cooked.wiki profile.

The killer feature of cooked is not just the user interface, it’s the recipe importer. Find any recipe you like online that you’d like to use.

For example – I made this Instant Pot Firecracker Chicken recipe. It’s great because you can prep everything ahead of time, freeze it and cook it on a night when you are busy and don’t have lots of time. It’s pretty good for that kind of freezer bag meal! Here’s a screenshot of the page, I’ll see you at the bottom of that.

a very long screenshot illustrating how much is on a page for recipe. The recipe takes up about a quarter of the screenshot.

So that’s a LOT. But I just go to the url bar and add http://cooked.wiki at the front of the url like so:


And that turns into something SUPER easy to read, super small that I can save in my personal recipe book.

It’s SO user focused. Any step you click on highlights the ingredients needed – it auto scales your portion sizes and you can create a shopping list from the recipes you are going to cook.

I can only assume that at some point this will get bought by a private equity firm and plundered. Until then, I’m using it and hoping they let me pay for the privilege.

Sous Vide Machine Reaction

I got an Anova sous vide machine because I’ve been wanting one for ages and now it seems silly not to get it. Some reactions for you.

It is bigger than I expected. We don’t have tons of space, so I was surprised that it is about the size of a big hand blender.

Sous Vide eggs are amazingly perfect but I never eat eggs with a 45 minute plan ahead.

Sous Vide filet mignon at 130 for 1 hour then put on a very hot skillet for 2 minutes each side is very doable and reasonable and that is a perfect damn piece of meat. Already this thing is seeming pretty good.

Also, Aperol Spritz is the drink of the summer.