Tag Archives: cgiirc

New article on how to set CGI:IRC as Firefox’s IRC protocol handler

I really like to overdo things.  In the overdoing spirit of the Thanksgiving season, I overdid something recently.

When I clicked on an irc link to a chatroom, it didn’t open in my preferred IRC client, which is on my webserver.   I like to run my applications off of my webserver because I don’t have to worry about carrying thumbdrives or dealing with install policies on strange computers.  If I’ve got a browser, my own private cloud just works.

A little digging, a little coding, and I wrote up a handler.  Yes, that was a bit more work than I expected, but this way I can give thanks to you by giving you this gift of a very small effort.

If you’ve followed my advice before about getting your own webserver, this could be a 15 minute task for you.  Install CGI:IRC, install my little handler, baboomp.  Then we can chat on IRC

Say hi!