Tag Archives: antihero

The Beaches – Blame My Ex

I stumbled on this fantastic band while dumbscrolling youtube shorts. I love so many of their songs. I like this one that seems like it’s part way through and changes to a different video. This song strikes me as one that probably leads to people attaching to the primary emotion of Blaming Brett instead of seeing the complexity of the song – same thing that Ani Difranco had to deal with when fans loved “Untouchable Face”.

I went to an Ani Difranco concert once where she said she had stopped playing Untouchable Face because of how crowds reacted to it, and she took the time to explain that the Fuck You part of the song is an expression of longing and hurt, not rage and revilement. It’s because the uh, Face is Untouchable. So she asked folks if they sing along to sing with a heart full of longing rather than a heart full of rage and it was wonderful.

Same way that the makers of Breaking Bad were shocked that people thought Walter White was a hero, that the makers of the movie Wall Street were shocked that people wanted to emulate Michael Douglas and took “Greed is Good” at face value. Same way that Michael Lewis thought that Liar’s Poker was a cautionary tale to warn people away from the financial industry but attracted them in droves.

But people love an antihero! There’s something delicious about becoming a beast. Anyway, you should also check out Takes One to Know One.