We know what you've been breeding
in the sewers, Mr Fisk.
The egg sacs blocked the runoff
so we're torching all of this
You've violated bylaws
and tempted all the fates
The next hard rain would flood us
and pop the drainage grates
We've had our eye on you
and your creepy little plan
parasitic mind wasps are
against the laws of god and man
We've got no zoning guidance
For these artificial moons
But the revenue service inquires
Are you witholding tax for all your goons?
We know you haven't filed
with the city, Mr Fisk.
No one approved the tunnels
Or inspected all of this.
We've found the creeping goo
It's nearly eaten through the cage
Poor Bob poked the surface
How do we make it disengage?
We've had our eye on you
your un-permitted lasers
Any major construction means
You've got to file papers
Careful mind your head, sir
See how we treat you soft?
Your booby traps are clever
Now help us shut them off.
We know what you've been building
In the caves, Mr Fisk.
Your experiment's at an end
we're impounding all of this.
This Rosenbaum-Lovelace Brainbox
has pathways quite illegal
The regulator's filed down
and the impeller set to evil
We've had our eye on you
and your positronic purchases
No accountant has a cause
to buy folding klein-space surfaces
The lab folks are arriving
with their photos, tape, and dust
But you won't get the pleasure
You'll have to come with us
Text and html by Matt Katz. You can use my text and html under a CC-BY-SA license. Informally, this means if you give me credit and let others use what you make then you are ok in my book. Everything else is copyright their respective creators.
Photo at the top made available from Boing Boing via a CC-BY-NC-ND license. Photo taken and copyright by David Maisel
Wiggling Tentacles! by Esteban Hufstedler, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 and GNU GPL license.
Work: http://openprocessing.org/visuals/?visualID=3137