CGI:IRC is a great piece of software.
You can put it on your server and use IRC even in IRC unfriendly environments. Perhaps you have a really draconian work environment or political situation – once you’ve thrown CGI:IRC or CGIProxy up on an innocuous domain name, you’ve got free rein.
If you click on an irc link in Firefox though, they send you to something called “mebbit”. Might be great, but it is well-known and blocked wherever irc is. Let’s set up your custom installation of CGI:IRC to handle those links.
I’ve written up a little page that will translate those links to your CGI:IRC and also register it in Firefox.
So download my CGI:IRC protocol handler page, edit it like it says, and upload it to your server. Click on it once, it will prompt you to install it in Firefox. Click yes.
You are done.
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