Daily Archives: 2024-10-27

Sous Vide Berbere Ribs

My buddy Frankie turned me onto Berbere spice on popcorn (it’s perfect). I got some from Sahadis before hanging out with the beer club boys and it sat on the shelf until this last week.

Some ribs came in our CSA, so I got excited to make a Berbere rub and sous vide the ribs. I was really sick and bored before, so this was a really fun little project and the sous vide turned out perfect ribs with a complex flavor. The berbere rub is just salt, sugars and berbere spice mix, so it’s great to toss on popcorn as well.

I put the sous vide berbere ribs recipe up on cooked.wiki if you want to try it. No pictures because I was hungry and didn’t think I’d be documenting it!