Daily Archives: 2018-09-08

Week 3005


First day of Kindergarten for Max Lazer! It didn’t go great.

Even though we had sent over emails with his IEP, the teachers hadn’t read the documentation for the first day of school. They are very nice, but it was a tough transition day for him. After you drop off kids, all the parents get herded out to the auditorium to get welcomed to the school. I saw his teacher later coming down the aisle to talk to an assistant principal and I knew it was going to be for us. It was. I ended up working from the hallway after calming things down in the classroom. By the end of the day, everything was fine, but what a start. Second and third days were better. I don’t see him participating much yet, so I’m worried that he won’t be getting what he needs.

A young iggy peck makes buildings

These are great buildings – but the rest of the kids are writing things.

I believe he is learning and exploring and thinking, but I’m also worried that he’s dominating the teachers. Do they have the bandwidth to deal with his will and the other children?


Not much biking! Not because I got hit by a car last week, because it was the first day of kindergarten for Max and there was labor day off of work. Only 24 miles this week.

Z-Ray is now trying to teach herself to ride a scooter. SLOW DOWN GIRL. You just learned how to walk!


Still adjusting from my default setting of an internal technology advocate for clients to a relationship manager. My job isn’t just to make clients happy, it’s to help them understand and prioritize what they want. I’m a few months in and still navigating where is support vs building.  It’s a lot different from being an internal technology team and I often have to adjust my headspace.

Also, I internally released a little tool for working with ELK searches directly in Python. I’ll work on seeing if we can accelerate our open source program so that I can release it out in the world.

I’m also now part of the group leading some changes in how we handle our python stack and our api libraries, a subject very dear to my nerdy heart.