How long until the “I can’t work computers” excuse for not doing your job is untenable?
Prison Commissioner Buried Investigators’ Findings Of Rikers Island Wardens’ “Complete Abdication” Of Responsibilities.
Monthly Archives: September 2014
Delta Spirit – From now on
Via the great taste of James Boice
Ginsperiment results
See my initial post on barrel aging/oaking Breukelen Gin.
That was way faster and better than I expected. I tested with friends after only 2 weeks. Decided to remove the oak cubes as they were both very good already.
12g to 9oz is definitely enough for the oak cubes. Might do less but for longer next time. 16g kind of overpowers the gin.
I used Breukelen gin because my pal Tove Hermanson shared a rare-ish bottle of barrel aged Breukelen gin and it was weird and wonderful. It tastes like a really flowery whiskey full of that same caramely smooth warmth. Like looking at butterflies as a summer sun sets.
Now to whip up some more batches!
True – by Brightly ( a webaudio api based video)
True – A Brightly Music Video.
Interesting in that it is a good song and done as HTML5 with WebAudio producing the waveforms and lyrics from the music soundtrack. The video isn’t dynamic – it’s just an html5 video, but still good.
I want to someday use webaudio to drive the video clips in the video as well as draw a waveform…
Orbital Feed Reader 0.1.9 Codenamed “BORN FREE” is out!
Last night I pushed out the final changes to uncage version 0.1.9 and get it out in the wild.
This version is mostly about giving you freedom. You should be able to easily import your stuff from other platforms into Orbital Feed Reader to use it. If you decide that you don’t want to use Orbital Feed Reader any more, you should have an easy way to leave. Any software that doesn’t tell you how to leave it is something you should be suspicious of.
Get Feeds IN
For Feed Readers, the standard way to exchange lists of subscriptions is a standard called OPML. It’s an old format, but it’s how they all exchange lists of feeds. I’ve buffed up the OPML import to handle larger numbers of feeds. After you import the file you have a chance to look over the feeds and edit them, tag them or exclude them entirely. Hit save and they’ll all flow into the backend.
Get Feeds OUT
But we also don’t want Orbital to be a lobster trap for you. If you import that kind of data I also want you to be able to export that kind of data. Now Orbital is good at exporting your feeds. If you are logged in – we’ll export a file with all your public and private subscriptions and let you take that wherever you want. Some folks want to share their OPML publicly – if you aren’t logged in, hitting the same URL gives you only the public feeds. All your private stuff should stay safe!
Read Lotsa Feeds
Now that Orbital can handle tons of feeds coming in I wanted it to be easy to actually sort through them. Feed Tags now start off collapsed and you can expand them anytime by using the little twiddlers next to each. That’s a technical term. The twiddlers make it much more manageable to see 200 feeds over many subject areas.
Ten Things I Want My Children To Learn From 9/11
Ten Things I Want My Children To Learn From 9/11 via Popehat.
The headings are good, but the explanations are better. Good to read or re-read on this day.
- Ordinary People Are Capable Of Extraordinary Things.
- Evil Exists.
- Good Exists.
- It’s Best To Define Yourself By Your Reaction To Events, Not By The Events Themselves.
- A Thing Is Not the Same As Our Reaction To A Thing.
- Beware of How People Use Great And Terrible Things And Events.
- Fear, Anger, and Apathy Are Perilous.
- Understanding Is Not The Same As Justifying.
- People Are Not Abstractions.“Each person who died on 9/11 represented an entire world ending.”
- There is Nothing New Under the Sun.
Ginsperiment: DIY Barrel Aged Gin
Big Blue Boo’s TimeWall
Charlie (AKA bigblueboo) just made a sweet time-twisting web toy. Give it a shot if you’ve got a webcam!
Typhoon – Young Fathers