Leaving my old job

For the last 9 years I’ve worked at the same place – doing a lot of very different things. I’ve had a chance to learn so very much and (hopefully) grow as a person. It’s a place where I know almost all of the people, know how everything works, and know how to get things done.

It’s very comfortable.

Still, I’ve found that my only regrets in life stem from not saying yes to change and opportunity. I’ve been offered a chance to grow into a new role at a new place with new people, and I’m taking that chance. I’m looking forward to lots of new things to learn, lots of uncomfortable growth, and meeting new good people. The new role title is Product Development, which sounds like it was a position made just for me, except that there isn’t a chance to code at all. I’ll still be working hard at open source code like the revival of Add-Art and Orbital Feed Reader.

This is autoposting on my last day at 5:30 – so right now I’m over at the House of Brews shaking hands and making toasts.

I’ll make a toast with you right now: Here’s to the future!


But wait, there's more

4 thoughts on “Leaving my old job

  1. Matt, Congratulations on having the guts to make a leap towards something new !!!! That’s how you grow. You were always such a capable and special young boy and I am sure I would be proud of the man you have become. I will enjoy keeping up with you…. and your lovely wife and new addition soon- to- be. Keep posting on facebook. I was thinking about you and Jonathan and that cruise we took……I have some cute pictures. Take care and keep a smile in your heart and you’ll be o.k. Love, Joy

    1. Joy! You are your name indeed.

      Thank you so much, I’d love to see any of those old pictures from the cruise. I have so few pictures of my childhood and that was a treasured time. Hope to do you proud!

  2. I’ve never grown to regret the few times I have taken the chance on change. Congrats buddy.

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