Saying Goodbye to Wookie

This is difficult to write. Lil’ Wookie Katz is dying of lung cancer. It is not going well, he’s a sweetheart but he’s gone from 15 pounds to 7.

He’s such a good boy that it’s hard to think about taking him to be put down. But that is coming soon. We didn’t do the right thing by Magic, and he died in pain. We aren’t going to leave Wooks to that.

He’s going to go soon. One of the special things about him is that he’s a charmer. Everyone who meets him falls for him.

The vets have been writing notes to each other about him in their medical reports about how sweet and handsome he is. They gather to watch him eat. I get it. This is a very good boy.


If you’ve been charmed by him and want to see him before he goes, please come by soon and bring your best cuddles. He loves you back, unconditionally.

I’m going to send this out to people and put him where he belongs.


But wait, there's more

  • Just kidding, nothing's related to this.

4 thoughts on “Saying Goodbye to Wookie

  1. Matt and Sam: I never met Wookie, but I can see from these photos how laid back and loving he is. Losing them, in some respects, is harder than losing others in your lives. You know what I’m saying. I love you both for being strong and doing what’s right.

  2. Pets are always hard to lose. They love unconditionally. And they depend on you.

  3. Rob and I have been so saddened by this news. I’m so glad that his last years were spent with the two of you, and that you could share in the joy of each other’s company. I will miss him so much. Winston is yours for snuggles as needed, and one day when it’s not so hard, I hope you can find another lost soul that needs your love.

  4. Poor little mite Wookie! And poor little mites you & Sam! In London right now, but sending big hugs to you all, plus a monster chin rub for Wookie. Xoxoxoxo Sally. PS beware Roger – he’s going to try and assuage your grief by offering permanently to loan you that troublesome bugger Scrawny!

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