Hi Ericson,
Crusher was my favorite invite service. I used it once or twice a year for my parties and thought it was just dandy. I want to avoid big services because I didn’t like the way they were monetizing me and my friends. They felt gross.
I am an open source developer. Not a great one, but a persistent one. If you are shutting down crusher and you don’t have a way to make enough money off it to support it, why not get some credit for what you made? If you want to make it an open source offering from Particle, that would be awesome. If, instead, you’d like some help, I’d be willing to offer some hours from my side to open source it and make it easier for other folks to self-host and contribute.
I think it would be a shame if the great work you did just went poof! I’m willing to chip in some effort to make this usable to lots of other folks. If you can’t open source it, I’d love any advice or patterns you can suggest if I want to take this on as a project after I finish up Wordprss – an feed reader for wordpress. I’d like to have an easy evite alternative that I can self host and trust with my friend’s info.
So I’d love to hear from you – any thoughts on how to do this?