New Theme: Fluffy Clouds

When I’m having trouble writing something, I futz about with design instead. Hopefully, this feels like a summer sky to you. It still feels a little wonky to me, I can’t figure out what is wrong. What do you think? Too busy?

This is a child theme of thematic and the source to fluffy clouds is open and available on github. The geeky details: All css3 changes, I added multiple columns to make it easier to read on wider screens, all the clouds etc are done in CSS3 with no extra images.

But wait, there's more

6 thoughts on “New Theme: Fluffy Clouds

    1. Thank you! Looks like I didn’t get the whole of the hackery.
      This time they put in a .htaccess file that would redirect you there if you were coming from google or yahoo etc.

      I’ve fixed it and am doing more intensive sweeps to see how they might be getting in.

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